CMYK Social

CMYK Social

Social Media Management for you and your business

Social Specialists

Helping businesses achieve their digital marketing needs while keeping the personal touch. 
With experience in all sectors of social media, we tailor a plan to suit you and your business’s needs.  
We are passionate about helping business and individuals grow their social media giving them time to focus on the important parts of their brand. We incorporate trending ideas and successful strategies to ensure our clients gain quality engagement.

Our Packages

Instagram Audit

Starter Package

Social Refresh


Our Clients


“ We produce high quality relatable and authentic videos to showcase your practice. We hold a firm belief that the dental industry is about to experience a massive shift in the way it market to patients – our job is to stay ahead of this curve. Gone are the over produced, stuffy and let’s be honest awkward videos that we’ve seen over the past few years. We believe in putting your amazing personality in the spotlight in a relatable and authentic way. ”

Post Creation

  • Creating Visual Content

We create eye catching content using a combination of premium stock photography, custom made graphics and assets provided by the client.

  • Post Approval

All posts are approved prior to being published. This allows us to receive feedback from you to give you full control on what gets posted to your social accounts.

Community Management

  • Customer Response

Keeping on top of messages and replying to comments can be very time consuming and take you away from running your business. We handle it to ensure your customers are never left waiting.

  • Organic Growth

Engaging with your community is the best way to grow organically while gaining trust for your brand on social media. We engage with the right brands and people to ensure your brand is seen and respected.

Get In Touch

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